Saturday, August 23, 2014

Potty Talk

Uhum, I thought long and hard about writing this post and I decided, as personal and unpleasant as it may be, I should write it because it's a common thing here in China.  At least, it's common for Westerners when they first arrive.

I had read on many blogs and in many guidebooks before coming, that many Westerners have had trouble adjusting to the diet in China, and thus, they have had rather upset tummies. I, for whatever reason, thought I'd be fine. I've never really had a weak stomach, and after a good week or more in Dongguan, I had had no issues.  Then it hit me.

On Monday morning, the 11th of August, just a little over a week here, I began feeling rather sick.  By that afternoon, I was miserable and had to run to the restroom several times when I got home from our training at ISD.

Tuesday I felt pretty badly, but I went about things the best I could at school, and after two or three days of a very upset stomach, I felt "fine" again.

The following Tuesday, August 19th, was the first day of school. I seemed ok most of the day, but when I got home, I was not quite right.

On that Wednesday morning, I woke very early (even before my 5 am alarm) and went to the toilet probably four times before trying to shower.  Then I spent the rest of the morning there.  I'm not sure how I managed to get hair and make-up done (except that I'm a pretty good multi-tasker...and sorry if that's gross).  I was down for the car (we now have a driver) and on my way to school by 6:35 am, but still feeling icky. I was somehow able to get through the day, but I didn't eat anything at all until around 1, when I tried some noodles, then I had a mango smoothy from our school's coffee bar around 3, thinking that the milk wouldn't bother me and the cold might be nice.

When I got home from school, I was feeling slightly better, but not great. I assumed a good night's rest would do it, so I made some very bland mashed potatoes and watched a movie before turning in. Earlier, I had made a post on Facebook saying that I was ill, and a friend of mine in Japan commented that it was the three week mark that always hit her when traveling and moving abroad.  Thursday was exactly three weeks for me.

I felt ok Friday and most of Saturday, but I have consistently had inconsistent bowel movements (like that) and on Sunday morning I woke again, running to the bathroom.  I'm not one to get sick and vomit, although I've felt like doing so here a few times.  I have just had this terrible rumbling in my stomach and the urge to find a  It's not pleasant at all, but hopefully, it will pass in time.  I thought this morning when it happened, "At least it's morning and night when I'm in the privacy of my home."  I suppose that's all meaningless now that I've posted it on this blog, but when it has happened, I've been fortunate enough to be alone.  I thought one bonus would be that I'd lose a few pounds (or kilograms as my scale measures) because of it, but I have to say, disappointedly, I've not lost any weight!  Worse than that, my belly is larger than it's ever been...the bloating and discomfort are side effects I could do without.

All in all, potty talk is something I do NOT enjoy (and I mean that in many senses), but I felt the need to disclose this rather personal information.  I would suggest that if you move to or visit China, you bring some good medicine, as I did.  I'll leave you with the theme song for Pepto Bismol..."Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea."  You're bound to have at least one of those symptoms here!

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