Sunday, July 19, 2015

I Like to Move It, Move It

I have been home for 12 days now and for the last 12 days my family and friends have been extremely kind to let me borrow their vehicles or to drive me places so that I can visit with others and enjoy my beloved Charleston. As you know, I love to travel and I have been very blessed to have another great summer of holidays. A month ago I was in China, then I flew through India to London. I visited other parts of England before heading to Scotland. I ferried, taxied, and trained my way through the UK and then on to Ireland. I visited New York and then came home. It's been a great summer so far and I still have a couple of weeks left.

Being home is amazing and I am so very lucky to have such a wonderful base of friends and family here. The pastor said in church this morning that Charlestonians are supposed to be humble and not brag about our wonderful city, even though we're ranked high on travel lists and even though we are very proud of our home. I have to say, it's hard for me not to boast about this town.

One thing I won't boast about here in Charleston is the lack of public transportation. In every other city I've visited this summer, I've been able to get from "A" to "B" without renting a car. It's so unnecessary in so many other places, but Charleston doesn't allow visitors to the area the same luxury. When I first arrived here I felt confident that someone would let me borrow or "rent" their car from them. I have had that luck in the past, but not so much this time. No one I know offered to let me borrow their extra vehicle for the time I'm home. It's a month...I get that's a long time. I thought that perhaps I'd get one friend's car while they were on their vacation and then maybe get another's during their work trip, etc., but for whatever reason, it just hasn't worked out that way for me this summer. I'm not complaining in any way shape or form, please understand that. I'm just stating that I thought I'd be ok without renting a car and unfortunately, that's not the case.

About a week ago, I received an email from United, with whom I have a good many miles and a credit card. The email said I was offered a partnership with Hertz where I could rent a car and earn up to 2,250 bonus miles. I called Hertz, curiously, and got a quote for a month. I was told it would cost me $1,050 for the rental. I thought that was absurd. I am totally up for renting, but that to me seemed outrageous. My Volvo car payment was $450 a wasn't too much on top of that, and even with taxes accounted for too, I don't think it'd add up to eleven-hundred dollars.

I declined the offer and spent another week waiting to borrow my mom's car or a friend's, but feeling really guilty about it because then that person who loaned me a vehicle was left without a ride. I had a friend pick me up yesterday to take me on the boat and when she, at midnight, had to drive me out of her way and all the way home I felt so bad I even asked her to stop halfway and let me get a taxi...she said no. I do have to admit that my sister's father in law, bless his heart, offered me his extra car, but it's an older vehicle for an older person and I, being rather superficial (hey at least I'm admitting it), politely said no thank you.

I became so stir crazy one day that after a nice run in the morning and good meditation time, I literally got online looking for cars to purchase. I thought, if I'm living abroad for another year or so at least, I will definitely need a car during my visits home. Perhaps selling the Volvo wasn't the best idea in the world. I've been home three times already this year and will return at Christmas. Granted, I didn't rent anything the last two times, but if I were to return and rent again even a few more times, that to me seems a lot of "wasted" money. I'm of the mindset that I could purchase something, maybe not as nice as what I've always had, maybe not an SUV, but something, and that way I'd never feel the guilt of putting someone else out and I'd never feel trapped at home. *I would like to sidebar here and say that I have been out a lot and I have enjoyed my time in the city as well as time resting and visiting at home with my mom. I'm not trying to sound like I'm ungrateful for anything and I especially don't want Mom to think that by saying I feel "trapped" I haven't enjoyed my time with her. I simply mean I don't have the freedom to run to Walgreens for toothpaste or to a friend's for a glass of wine because I feel so badly about asking to borrow her car.

I haven't purchased anything yet, but it is something I'm seriously considering. A friend even said he might go in on it with me so it's a thought I'll not push away for the time being. Maybe when I'm home at Christmas I can look at year end deals and see how I feel. I'm honestly on the "just do it" end of the spectrum.

After nearly two weeks of not having my "own" vehicle in Hanahan, a small community where my only option for transportation is either taking someone else's car, riding the Carta bus which was in fact a Bucket List idea of mine, riding a bike, walking, or taxiing, I have just gotten off the phone with Hertz again and I am accepting their offer. I pick up my car tomorrow morning. I've only rented for a week because I have been told that I can borrow a friend's car the following week, but who knows if that will pan out. At least I'll have wheels for the next 7 days. My dear mother seems angry that I'm "wasting" the money this week but I think it'll be the best $200 I've spent since I came home. I responded to her comment with, "Thank you for wanting to help, but I'm an adult and I feel like I should be able to provide this service for myself." Not sure how well that went over...

I just have to end by reiterating, I am not super fond of the idea of renting each time, but I am so happy that tomorrow I'll have my "own" wheels. It feels good because, like the Madagascar animals say, "I like to move it, move it," and tomorrow I'll be able to do so without having to ask for anyone's help!!

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